From Novice to Pro: 13 Prompting Hacks That Will Revolutionize Your AI Experience

13 Highly Effective Prompting Techniques

Drawing insights from advanced strategies to make AI understand and perform better, here are 13 simplified techniques suitable for a wide audience.

1. Be Clear and Direct

Direct instructions lead to better AI responses, similar to guiding a new team member.

  • Example: “Remove names and addresses from this message: [Your message here].”

2. Use Examples

Examples help AI understand your expectations better.

  • Example: “Turn sentences like ‘I ate an apple’ into questions. Example: Did I eat an apple?”

3. Split Big Tasks into Smaller Steps

Breaking down tasks makes them more manageable for AI.

  • Example: “To write an essay on climate change, start with defining climate change, list its causes, discuss effects, and then suggest solutions.”

4. Give AI a Role

Assigning roles to AI can focus and enhance its answers.

  • Example: “As a history expert, explain the causes of World War II.”

5. Use the ‘Show, Don’t Tell’ Approach

Requesting demonstrations can be more informative.

  • Example: “Show me how to solve a math problem step by step, don’t just tell me the answer.”

6. Chain of Thought (CoT)

Encourage AI to process information step by step.

  • Example: “Explain step by step how to calculate interest on a savings account.”

7. Focus AI’s Attention

Highlight the most important parts of your question.

  • Example: “Focus on the main events of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency. Start with his election.”

8. Encourage Creativity

Challenge AI to generate unique ideas.

  • Example: “Imagine a world where cars fly. Describe a day in this world.”

9. Self-Reflection

Ask AI to review and potentially improve its answers.

  • Example: “Review the steps you gave for solving the math problem. Can you find a simpler way?”

10. Anticipate Needs

Frame questions to get both answers and helpful insights.

  • Example: “I’m visiting Paris. What should I see, and what weather should I prepare for?”

11. Contrast and Compare

Comparisons can clarify concepts more effectively.

  • Example: “Compare the health benefits of running and swimming.”

12. Build on Previous Answers

Use AI’s past responses as a foundation for further questions.

  • Example: “Based on your explanation of photosynthesis, how does it affect the earth’s atmosphere?”

13. Seek Feedback Within the Conversation

Allow AI to ask for clarifications to refine its answers.

  • Example: “If you need more details to recommend a book, feel free to ask me about my interests.”